November 2021 CGIB News

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Dear Subscriber,

Happy November... How'd we get here?
Only TWO months left in the year, and way TOO much to do.

Not too much to highlight today.  There are lots of events going on and we are continuing with Coffee Chats and No CE interactive webinars.

I think that's it for now.

As always, if you have questions, just reach out.



Coffee chats are like a virtual breakfast. Log in and talk about what's on your mind.  Best done from a computer, with a camera and a microphone. No CE credits, but also no cost, just show up.

Thursday November 11th @ 2pm (EST)
Tuesday November 23rd @ 2pm (EST)
Thursday December 9th @ 2pm (EST)
Tuesday December 21st @ 2pm (EST)


Let's talk how to "say" or communicate things. We've had some great discussions in the past month and many times the same type of questions comes up. How would you present that idea? How would you explain that concept? When and how do you say no to a client or prospect?

This will be interactive and in response to your questions, so bring the concept, problem or situation and get the group to provide some ideas.

If this goes well, maybe we'll make it a monthly event?

No CE credits, but also no cost, just show up.

Tuesday November 9th @ 2pm (EST)


Let's talk Disability coverage.  We'll cover problem areas like earnings definitions, owner needs, GSI top ups, what happens with M&A's, the areas of liability we see created, how to solve them and some of the court cases that employers have been hit with. This will be an interactive session presented by Dave Patriarche & Jason Watt of BCC

No CE credits, but also no cost, just show up.

Wednesday November 17th @ 3:00 to 4:30pm (EST)


CGIB no longer runs the breakfast meetings, but supports the initiative of the volunteers that do.

Please find the details for your closest location below.
Ajax, Cambridge, London, Markham, Oakville, St Catherines, Toronto, Vancouver Island, Windsor or the Virtual National Meeting

Virtual meetings through Zoom may be utilized until COVID19 passes. Please contact the event champions to be added to their lists, and receive more info.



Mary McDonald, Principal at Quad Search Associates, has a client who is seeking to hire a Group Benefits Underwriter / Benefits Analyst with 3+ years’ experience and a Group Benefits Technical Consultant with actuarial grounding.

Penmore Benefits is looking for a Customer Care Representative/Benefits Account Coordinator 

The Customer Care Representative is responsible for answering client inquiries and providing information regarding products, services and policies. Provide account support/services, such as creating/handling renewal documentation and claims experience reports, and processing requests for service. The Customer Care Representative will also be required to resolve customer complaints via phone or email.

For more information, please contact: Lisa Wong at
Upcoming CGIB Events:

Due to a reduced interest in "in-person" events we will postpone our upcoming events

Toronto - Wednesday November 3rd - POSTPONED to March 2nd
Calgary - Tuesday March 29th- POSTPONED
Vancouver - Thursday March 31st - POSTPONED

Watch for more more details.

CGIB Catastrophic Hybrid Insurance Plan Webinar

Nov. 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM, GMT

Are you looking for info on the CGIB CHIP Plan? If so, please join us next Tuesday to learn more about this unique, transparent and FULLY pooled benefit solution that is exclusive to CGIB members.


The CGIB SLACK channel is a great place to pose questions, share info and learn a ton from your fellow members. 
The info and discussions that are posted there are unlike anywhere in the industry. Sadly, about 25% of CGIB members are still missing out on all the info being shared. Others have not taken a look at all the documents, videos and information available in MEMBERS ONLY to make their life easier. 

NOTE TO ALL SLACK USERS: We now have 40+ channels in Slack to handle different topics. Please take a moment to add these channels to your menu. To do so, just click on the + next to Channels on the top left.  
Browse the channels and then click JOIN to add each of them. By doing so you won’t be missing some really great info.

We think the information contained below is of great value and encourage you to read the articles and check out the events that interest you.  In most cases, these articles and events are not run by CGIB, so please contact the organizers for more information. We take no responsibility for the websites, events, organizations or their content.

Aon plc predicts costs for large U.S. employers that pay for their employees’ medical care will increase on average five per cent to more than $13,000 per employee in 2022. This cost increase projection would be slightly less than what employers budgeted this year compared to last. Budgeted healthcare costs for clients increased to an average of $12,792 per employee in 2021, an increase of 5.2 per cent from 2020. Health plan costs and medical claims were suppressed for most employers in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, during which time a lot of care was postponed or skipped during quarantines. Employers have been anticipating that the medical claims experience will return to more typical levels of growth in 2021 and 2022. Ed Cwikla, Aon’s chief global actuary for health solutions, says, “Preventive and outpatient care are the medical services projected to increase the most in 2022. Utilization of telehealth services is also expected to rise, continuing the strong increase observed during the pandemic.”
SETH GODIN'S BLOGZero percent market share 

If you have a million Twitter followers, that means that 99.9% of the people on Twitter are ignoring you, which, with a little rounding, means you have 0%.

If you write a book and it sells a million copies, it will be one of the bestselling books of the year. It will also reach far fewer than 1% of the country’s population, never mind the world.

There are very few things that ever rise to 1% of the market. Not only don’t you need everyone, the act of chasing everyone is probably keeping you from reaching anyone.

Zero (rounded) is enough.

My Take on Seths Post

Put another way... When you stop trying to be all things to all people, amazing things happen.  SPECIALIZE on a small focussed target market. 


Looking for benefits dedicated online CE courses? Want to provide your admin and support staff with basic knowledge? Want to dig into something more detailed for your benefits/insurance business?
Business Career College (BCC) has an extensive catalogue of online CE courses with a number of group benefits specific courses covering topics ranging from contractual concerns, plan designs, and underwriting requirements, to product specifics and integration with government benefits. Courses consist of narrated videos with short, online quizzes.
The full catalogue includes over 60 courses, podcasts, and videos covering topics from the world of insurance, investments, financial planning, taxation, and ethics with a focus on technical content and real-world application. Courses are accredited for the maximum categories of credits and can include provincial Life and A&S credits, FP Canada, Advocis, and more!
Use code CGIB on registration for your first three months free! 

“It’s not about being the smartest person in the room. It’s about being in a room where everybody is getting smarter”

We’re very excited to announce our new Zoomcast series. 

Through our Zoomcast series we will be hosting engaging and beneficial discussions with experts and advisors, such as yourself! These sessions will be comprised of laser-focused topics and guest speakers. The format will be 20 minutes of expert presentation followed by 30 minutes or so of open discussion.

Zoomcast Guidelines
To ensure a lively discussion, we have a few guidelines that we’re like to adhere to:
  • Only the first 100 registrants will get a spot for each Zoomcast.
  • Please have your camera on and be ready to interact with others.
  • Be prepared to engage in conversation. We want our Zoomcast series to be productive, insightful, and conversational, so please be ready to talk, ask questions, and converse.
Register now and join us for our upcoming Zoomcast sessions. We hope to see you there!

The Importance of Focus and Committing to a Target Market
November 2nd at 10:00 am

Can you build a successful benefits business by focusing exclusively on a clearly defined target market? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
In 2008, Chris Gory attracted his first client in the technology industry and discovered a passion for working with dynamic, fast-growing organizations. He decided to focus his efforts exclusively on this segment. Within a couple of years and few clients later, he had gained intimate knowledge about their needs and challenges and adapted his practice to address those needs. As word spread within the sector, he became the go-to trusted advisor for benefits, growing his practice to 65 fast-growing technology businesses today.
Join Chris Gory and Rob Crowder, President of The Benefits Trust to discuss the advantages of focusing on a well-defined target market and becoming the go-to expert in the space.

Special Guest Speaker: Chris Gory, President, Orchard Benefits and Founder, blankit health 

CPBI Saskatchewan’s ‘Benefits, Beyond the Basics’ will provide a comprehensive framework that will enhance the understanding of benefits, act as a primer for the CEBS program, and offer continuing education credits for the Insurance Council of Saskatchewan. Sessions will look at claims administration, flexible benefits, emerging issues, and total compensation and rewards. It takes place November 2 to 4. Information is at

The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans’ ‘Global Benefits Fundamentals’ is for those new to global employee benefits, including those who have significant benefits experience in their home country, but limited exposure to benefits at a multinational company. It takes place November 30 and December 1. Information is at per cent20VILT_Reminder&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua
Need help? Have questions? Looking for something?

Reach out to CGIB - Dave Patriarche - - 905-886-9203


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