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Chris Pryce (Human Capital Benefits Inc.)

Chris Pryce

Human Capital Benefits Inc.

Chris is a group benefits professional with over twenty-five years of industry experience. He has an extensive understanding of the management of employee benefits programs from working with a wide range of employer groups. In the early days of his career, he worked as a technical analyst for various Toronto based Benefits Consulting firms and then at a large National Insurer as a business development manager.

In his current role as Founder and President of Human Capital Benefits, Chris works with a team of technical analysts and external support professionals - employment lawyers and actuaries in the management and design of self-funded and traditional benefit plans.

Chris has a strong belief in professional development. Not only is he a graduate of the University of British Columbia and the Faculty of Education, but he also earned his Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation (March 2001) from Dalhousie University.

Chris is a member of the Board of Directors for the Tropicana Community Services organization, where he looks to assist with providing strategic direction and most importantly to “help” the organization navigate a digital transformation to aid in service delivery, to a vulnerable population of children and youth.