We will have a panel of advisors, sharing some of the challenges, successes and failures they have had in starting and growing their businesses (including experiences during the pandemic).
Roberta will discuss the Errors & Commissions coverage each of us is required to maintain (if we have a license). Topics will include; determining the coverage you require, an overview of E&O coverage, the areas where they see claims occuring, as well as the cyber security threats we are seeing and how you can protect yourself. Roberta will also briefly explain the process when faced with a claim, as well as how to avoid them in the first place.
Roberta Tasson
The Magnes Group
Coffee Break
Employer, Advisor, Employee and more Yafa Sakkejha
We'll have an employer sharing some of their learnings in how they react to employee issues, dealing with the challenges, and how they can always improve (and maybe how advisors can help). Dealing with employee disability cases, working from home, knowing when you need HR assistance, and when to ask for help, an employers perspective is always interesting.
Yafa Sakkejha
Closing Remarks
This is a past event
Canadian Group Insurance Brokers Inc might have other events you're interested in.